
  • Senior Developer Advocate, Meta, Seattle, Washington
    July 2022 - June 2023
    I supported the Meta Open Source Software initiative as a Senior Developer Advocate specializing in the PyTorch framework. My role consisted of strategic planning, content generation, public speaking, community outreach, and demand generation. I worked with external partners (MIT) to develop and incubate workshops. I worked with internal marketing teams to develop initiatives to scale advocacy to external community organizers. I worked with engineering and marketing teams to determine feature promotion prioritization, messaging, and value proposition coinciding with the PyTorch 2.0 announcement. I collaborated with Meta Open Source Software marketing to create a medium to recognize, humanize, and celebrate important actors in the Meta open source developer community launching with PyTorch. I created a playbook and content pipeline to enable other DAs to highlight contributors to their product domain. (Python, PyTorch, Streamyard)
  • Technical Product Manager, Amazon, Seattle, Washington
    January 2022 - June 2022
    I owned the Alexa Science Team's goal to pilot and launch flagship Alexa Skills with two external partners by EOY 2022. I worked closely with the Business Development team to determine potential flagship partners, created a scoring rubric to determine which partners to prioritize and built pitch decks tailored to each partner's business model to bring the flagship experience to the partner. Lead pitch meetings and worked closely with marketing, and legal teams to sign two partners who were able to commit to our timeframes while keeping communication lines open with those who were interested. I identified key internal and external stakeholders. I defined the requirements and working backwards plan. I provided weekly progress reports to leadership.
  • Senior Solutions Architect, Amazon, Seattle, Washington
    January 2021 - December 2021
    I worked with TV manufactures to integrate Alexa into their TVs. I helped partners identify and remove bottlenecks, adopt new features, and improve customer experience. I funneled feedback from the partner to the product team to drive product improvement. I identified inefficiencies with the imprint certification process and worked closely with my internal certification and partner to onboard them into a special expedited pilot program to optimize certifications for imprints. (NodeJS, AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, Amazon S3, CloudWatch)
  • Senior Solutions Architect, Amazon, Seattle, Washington
    July 2017 - December 2020
    I collaborated with internal teams to develop training and best practices for many products such as Alexa Conversations, In-skill Purchasing, and Dialog Management. I wrote the first end-to-end tutorial for building an engaging Alexa Skill (Cake Time). This has been widely used by internal and external developers. I led the effort to create on-boarding materials for Alexa Conversations and served as lead subject matter expert while hosting weekly office hours on twitch and AMA sessions on slack to support the developer community. I serve as the bridge between the customer and internal product teams to help prioritize the product roadmap based upon the voice of the community. Delivered over 100 speaking engagements and workshops on a wide variety of topics including voice design, monetizing skills, and Alexa Conversations. Delivered 4 presentations in Japanese at Alexa events in Tokyo. (NodeJS, AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, Amazon S3, CloudWatch, Rise, Twitch)
  • Senior Software Developer, Zoe Media Group, Los Angeles, California
    April 2017 - July 2017
    I designed and implemented single sign on to link 4 separate services to a single account removing customer friction which increased customer engagement. Built automated reporting tools to aggregate and send sales revenue to stakeholders. Implemented Amazon Pay across all e-commerce properties. (PHP, React, MYSQL, Laravel, Stripe, Amazon Pay, WordPress, Amazon Web Services)
  • Senior Web Architect, Booktrope, Los Angeles, California
    September 2013 - May 2016
    I led the R&D team at Booktrope. I was responsible for architecting and building most of the software. I interviewed and trained new hires on our methods and standards via pair programming. I built various features and automation tools. (Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Heroku, Redis, Parse Server, Objective-C, iOS, Amazon Web Services)
  • Japanese-English Dictionary Manager, CrossLanguage, Tokyo, Japan
    September 2012-May 2013
    I was the only American Employee. All communication was in Japanese. I was responsible for the Japanese-English dictionary. I fixed broken translations and wrote many tools to assist the translation engine and dictionary teams. I led meetings to introduce and train staff how to use the tools. (Ruby, Perl, C++, Bash Scripting)
  • Japanese-English Dictionary Intern, CrossLanguage, Tokyo, Japan
    June 2012-August 2013
    Due to visa constraints and to prove my skills and accelerate the hiring process, I was hired as an unpaid intern. I completed the three month hiring process in one and a half months. I added over 3000 words into the Japanese-English dictionary and learned how to use their proprietary tools. I built a web spider that I was given two weeks to work on in two days. (Perl, Various Proprietary Tools)
  • Senior Developer, CrownPeak, Los Angeles, CA
    March 2009-August 2011
    Using my knowledge of the legacy VBScript API, I led the new C# API development project. I created tools to analyze template source code to determine mission critical APIs. I broke the project into three phases - p0, p1 and p2. I bridged the gap between Engineering and Production by acting as a liaison training production how to use the new API and made improvements based on feedback. I used C# .NET's documentation tags and sandcastle to generate new API documentation that could be updated automatically as new APIs were added. (VBScript, C#/.NET, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Selenium)
  • Associate Web Application Engineer, CrownPeak, Los Angeles, CA
    September 2006-February 2009
    I acted as client account/project manager and developer. During the implementation phase I met regularly with clients to report progress, answer questions, and discuss solutions to SEO, Data Architecture, and front-end related questions. My implementation of an AJAX event calendar became the de facto standard for all clients who required an event calendar. I became API documentation owner when I identified many missing and undocumented API functions from our internal docs. I worked with the engineering team to update the documentation. (VBScript, PHP, C#/.NET, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Perl)

Technical Skills

  • Alexa, Voice User Interface Design, NodeJS, Python, PyTorch, OpenAI, Rise Scorm, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Perl, Javascript, jQuery, Java, PHP, Laravel, C/C++, C#/NET, Objective-C, Smalltalk, Swift, VBScript, Unix/Bash Scripting, HTML, CSS,SQL, MySQL, Postgresql, Heroku, Amazon Web Services, Parse Server, Wordpress, Redis, Selenium

Education and Accolades